
Technology, how has it changed parenting?

“What is Technology?” asked a little boy.

“Technology is the skills, methods, and processes used to achieve goals,” said his dad. And in this case, does it helps us to improve the learning process of out kids or provide them with entertainment?

The Technology industry has come a long way in thirty years, but it’s not all good news for parents! Technology now impacts every aspect of modern parenting, from new ways children interact with each other to how families communicate. Some aspects of parenting have become easier as a result of technological advances, while others are more challenging than ever before.

Technology now impacts every aspect of modern parenting, from new ways children interact with each other to how families communicate. Some aspects of parenting have become easier as a result of technological advances, while others are more challenging than ever before. Technology has impacted our lives in so many different ways that it’s hard to know where to start when talking about the changes!

Pros and Cons of Technology

Pros: More information available

There are many resources available to parents on the Internet. From leading experts to aggregated social information and forums, parents have more support and resources than ever before.

Despite its usefulness, common sense dictates that each parent must filter online advice parenting through their groups and own beliefs and household rules. Forums make up a strong network of support for parent.

Pros: Easier to capture and share activities and memories

Technology has made it easier for parents to keep tabs on their children. From baby monitors with video capabilities and GPS-enabled watches to smartphone tracking apps, today’s tech-savvy parents have a higher level of protection than ever before against threats such as potential abductions or accidents.

Everyone one of us also have a smartphone that has unlimited storage space which we can just flip it on to take a video or photo of our kids.

Equally as powerful as accessibility to modern camera equipment is the ability to share photos and videos with family and friends. Thanks to the widespread availability of cloud storage and its widely available photo-sharing apps, you can save, edit, and share entire albums.

Cons: Social Media

Sharing your child’s life with the world is fun and simple today. But just because it’s easy doesn’t mean that parents should share everything. When you’re thinking about posting something, think first: “is this image or story I want to have around for my child when they grow up?” And if it’s not, don’t post it.

Social media has given rise to a new anxiety in parenting. We tend to put our best foot forward online; we show the best aspects of ourselves, and curate an envy-worthy highlight reel. However, this leads to feelings of inadequacy and being left out when others post about their children—and worse–to our own children.

The good news is that you can now easily stay in touch with family and friends who are far away thanks to the power of technology. The bad news? You may be looking at an “edited” version of someone’s life without all the bumps in their parenting road which we as parents go through.

Cons: Too much screen time

Parental controls and strict time limits are necessary for quality screen time.

Excess screen time has been one of the most controversial aspects to modern parenting. It is used as a reward or to placate kids when they’re upset, but also taken away as punishment for misbehavior.

Too much of anything is not good—even screen time. Physical play not only helps develop healthy exercise habits, but it also inspires creativity and imaginative play.

Modern parenting has the unenviable task of balancing social media with restrictive permissions. I’m a mom and know how difficult it can be to juggle these two, sometimes opposing factions. Cyberbullying campaigns are just one thing we have to contend with as parents in this day and age. It’s up to you to make sure that you take in more of the positives with as little of the negatives as possible.

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