There are many activities that you can do in Singapore for fun. But do you know where you can do something meaningful like volunteering with your kids? Let me share with you some.
The Salvation Army
There are a range of activities that you can do with the Salvation Army. One of the more common one that we see at the shopping malls or busy heartland areas is the fundraising and Christmas Kettling activity. This is can be quite an experience to encourage your child to walk to random strangers to ask for a small donation. If he is a little more shy, he can simply be standing at the station, ringing the bell for attention instead.
To register or contact them:
Email: volunteer@smm.salvationarmy.org
Call: +65 6555 0232 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
Trash Hero Singapore
With the slogan of “We Clean, We Educate, We Change”, they seek to get volunteers to help Singapore become a cleaner and greener city.
There aren’t any age restrictions for this activity and it helps to educate your child to be socially conscious and not to throw litters simply. I’m pretty sure this good habit will be brought back to your home too!
Join them by filling up the application form at their website.
FoodBank Singapore
They have a great mission of ending hunger by 2025. And the first thing you see is a timer, counting down to when hunger must end. Although we are fortunate to have 3 meals everyday, many people in Singapore still go to sleep hungry. You can volunteer with your kids under their Juniors Club program.
There are a few roles available:
i) Warehouse Session – Sorting, packing and taking inventory of the donations. Kids will get to learn more on identifying food categories, expiry labels and how our warehouse operates.
ii) Food Distribution – Packing and distributing food bundles to individual benficiaries at their homes. Kids will get to learn more about our beneficiary organisations and experience distributing food to those in need and their living conditions.
iii) Excursions / External Collaboration – The kids will get the chance to visit local farms and food production/wastage factories or participate in a Cooking class. Through these trips, the kids will have a better understanding on how food is being produced and increase in the appreciation of the foods that they consume.