Educational and Fun Games For Your Kids
Educational and Fun Games For Your Kids

Educational games for kids are the best way to help your child learn. There are many educational and fun games for kids that will make learning a fun task! Whether it’s teaching them how to read, or teaching them their ABCs, educational and fun games for kids is a great way to encourage children of […]

Technology, how has it changed parenting
Technology, how has it changed parenting?

“What is Technology?” asked a little boy. “Technology is the skills, methods, and processes used to achieve goals,” said his dad. And in this case, does it helps us to improve the learning process of out kids or provide them with entertainment? The Technology industry has come a long way in thirty years, but it’s […]

Places in Singapore to bring your kids this June!
Places in Singapore to bring your kids this June!

1. Forest Play – Singapore’s FIRST Nature Adventure PlaygroundForest play is located at 112 Tanjong Beach Walk, it’s a new attraction for children that touches on risk play environment that imbues the value of grit, risk awareness and critical thinking skills.   They open from 10am to 6pm, from Wednesday to Sunday. Do check out their […]